Appendix A — Supplementary validation analyses

A.0.1 Validation of unspecified diabetes in the Health In Central Denmark survey and in the National Health Survey.

Validation analyses performed in the HICD study population from study I:

Table A.1: Supplementary: Validation of uspecified diabetes in the HICD study population

(a) The Open-Source Diabetes Classifier (OSDC)
OSDC Survey: +DM Survey: -DM Total N
OSDC: +DM 2,512 221 2,733
OSDC: -DM 121 26,537 26,658
Total N 2,633 26,758 29,391
Sensitivity 0.954 (0.945, 0.962)
Specificity 0.992 (0.991, 0.993)
PPV 0.919 (0.908, 0.929)
NPV 0.995 (0.995, 0.996)
(b) The Register for Selected Chronic Diseases (RSCD)
RSCD Survey: +DM Survey: -DM Total N
RSCD: +DM 2,422 122 2,544
RSCD: -DM 211 26,636 26,847
Total N 2,633 26,758 29,391
Sensitivity 0.920 (0.909, 0.930)
Specificity 0.995 (0.995, 0.996)
PPV 0.952 (0.943, 0.960)
NPV 0.992 (0.991, 0.993)

Validation analyses performed among respondents in the National Health Survey 2017 (individuals reporting diabetes as a current disease were considered diabetes cases).

Table A.2: Supplementary: Validation of uspecified diabetes in the National Health Survey

(a) The Open-Source Diabetes Classifier (OSDC)
OSDC Survey: +DM Survey: -DM Total N
OSDC: +DM 1,630 258 1,888
OSDC: -DM 87 26,460 26,547
Total N 1,717 26,718 28,435
Sensitivity 0.95 (0.94, 0.96)
Specificity 0.99 (0.99, 0.99)
PPV 0.86 (0.85, 0.88)
NPV 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
(b) The Register for Selected Chronic Diseases (RSCD)
RSCD Survey: +DM Survey: -DM Total N
RSCD: +DM 1,546 184 1,730
RSCD: -DM 171 26,534 26,705
Total N 1,717 26,718 28,435
Sensitivity 0.90 (0.89, 0.91)
Specificity 0.99 (0.99, 0.99)
PPV 0.89 (0.88, 0.91)
NPV 0.99 (0.99, 0.99)